People with Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty which makes it hard for some people to learn to read, write and spell correctly. It is estimated that perhaps 6-8% of the population live with dyslexia. Please try to ensure that the choices offered to people with dyslexia allow them equal access, e.g club rules are put on tape/CD, club notes are read out to them.
A person with dyslexia may :
have experienced early speech and language problems
confuse directions like left and right
have difficulty remembering common sequences such as the days of the week or the alphabet
have poor pen control and awkward handwriting
mix up the sounds of words and order of numbers
be unable to pair speech sounds with letters and vice versa
confuse letters and words that look somewhat alike (e.g b/d, p/q, m/w, n/u, was/saw, cat/act, from/form)
have difficulty copying down words and numbers
have specific dificulties in arithmetic
have problems recalling names of words or objects
have problems in getting their thoughts on paper. Spelling problems may persist and reading aloud may be difficult.