This Community page has been set up in response to the current challenges that we are all facing in relation to Covid 19 and the closure of clubs/schools etc. At this time our members & friends have a lot of spare time on their hands.
We would like to help fill some of this time with you and are launching a number of initiatives to occupy our students inquisitive minds and capable bodies.
Daily Exercise Videos
The first of our challenges involves getting active. Our Judo Assist coach Sean Davitt has produced a number of activity videos for us to share. A new video will be uploaded every 2/3 days and can be completed by students and parents alike. These exercises can be carried out daily. Please feel free to text your photos to 0860612544 and we will put them on our facebook page.
T.Shirt Art Competition
Our next initiative is our weekly T.Shirt Art Competition which is open to anyone who would like to take part. We will be encouraging everyone to draw/sketch/paint a judo relation piece of artwork and submit it into our competition. Our weekly winner will receive their winning artwork printed on a t.shirt. Its absolutely free to enter and you can enter as many times as you like over the 4 weeks of the competition.
Simply create your masterpiece on an A4 sheet of white paper, scan it and email it to or photograph it on your phone and whatsap it to 0860612544.
Winners will be notified the end of each week - competition is open from Monday 23.03.2020 and run for 4 weeks.
Congratulations to Kai Seher from Judo Assist Portumna
Congratulations to Oisin Hardy from Black Eagle Judo Ardcroney
Judo Puzzles
Below is a selection of word/terminology Judo Puzzles which can be download, printed and completed. Just for fun!
Judo Puzzle 1
Judo Puzzle 2
Judo Puzzle 3
Judo Puzzle 4
Judo Puzzle 5
Judo Puzzle 6
FREE Judo Activity/Colouring Book
Our good friends at Koka Kids have offered a free judo activity/colouring book to all kids. This book is full of drawing and colouring projects to our judokas busy for hours.